Membuat Radio Streaming

Hi friends, now I'll share about making radio online based to my previous post Making Streaming Radio Online part Part#1.
Make as easy as Radio Online it’s not us imagine. We must rent server Room to that. For example shoutcast hosting his price revolve 70 rb per month to lowest quality with max listener 32. To IP Adress in whose block by firewell very not permit once for at open. Bacause that already become intelligence of ISP. To that I want pay informations to you that have treatment free Shoutcast hosting with good Qwality with max listener 500 client. Please visit Easy with hopes hereby we poison exchange experience openly without hide something confused!!! OK?
Preparing set up Installation on you PC:
1. Download Winamp Media Player. Download here
2 Download the SHOUTcast DSP Plug-In for Winamp 5.x. Download here
All the step above is the instant making Internet radio. It look like as easy as you get. here is
Pesona FM Radio
(listen up) and enjoy it!!
All right friends, the next is about making internet radio on your server (webhosting).

Start Installation:
Install SHOUTcast on server Linux from computer client with the basic Windows.
It will be more easy if the server used CPanel. CPanel was a standard software for Webhosting company.
You must know what port gived to you by the host (admin server). This Shout Cast port usually start about 8000. It's different way if you have the own admin access while you can make and decide what port will be used.
Server Installation
1. Download file server SHOUTcast from download, and clik "be a server",
then choose a file for Linux. Next, unzip the file using Winzip. There you'll got 3 :README.TXT, sc_serv, dan sc_serv.conf. Read readme file first.
Login to CPanel, using "File Manager" to upload file. make a folder SHOUTcast out of folder public (public_html or www) savely. Next, upload 2 file: sc_serv and sc_serv.conf inside the folder you made it.
File sc_serv.conf used to make server configuration. Open file sc_serv.conf, less change the 3 content inside bellow:
(the number of 32 was a default SHOUTcast, it can be change based to your admin server deal)
(fill with password you like)
(fill it based port number gived by the admin server).
Save the changed sc_serv.conf. After that, change thec acces file permisionof sc_serv with command "CHMOD" 755. From File Manager, click file sc_serv then click "Permission" on the right view and make it as 755. Save the changed.
Next, make sure you have Shell access in order the SHOUTcast working (if you don't have shell access, it mean the admin server was not allowed you to install it by yourself).
Open Putty software. you can download Putty, using Google Search, keyword "download putty". Get it first!
Open Putty, you'll asked about the IP address or website URL. Fill the web address, e.g : (without http://www), it will open the Putty. Then"login as" and "password" use the same with your CPanel account.
Login success, then go to SHOUTcast folder you made. If the name of this is "shoutcast", use command:
cd shoutcast
(it will show you the installation)
Closing Putty without " kill" SHOUTcast server, push Control+Z then type "bg", mean the server will work in background mode. Finish and happy hearing and let the people listen your music on your radio online (streaming)
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